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성종영(대명사1) 1-28 1-28 Those who have read everything are thought to understand everything too: but it is not always so. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge: it is thinking that makes what we read ours. 이어서, 3. 제1권력에서 또한 케네디 대통령은 암살되기 두 달 전에 자기가 암살되는 영화 시나리오를 썼고, 실제로 그 장면을 촬영하기까지 했다. 대통령이 한마디로 반항하면 스펙터에 의해 그의 운명은 한 순간에 끝나 버린다. 결국엔 그 역시도 저 최정상의 자리가 어쩌면 최하위의 자리에 불과 하다는 걸 깨달았을 것이다. 물론 바젤클럽의 .. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사1) 1-27 1-27 As one grows older one becomes more silent. In one's youth one is ready to pour oneself out to the world; one feels an intense fellowship with other people, one wants to throw oneself in their arms and one feels that they will receive one; one wants to penetrate into them; one's life seems to overflow into the lives of others and become one with theirs as the waters of rivers becomes one i.. 더보기
성종영단문(관사1) 1-26 Today, if a man were to know something about everything, the allotment of time would give one mintue to each subject, and he would flit from topic to topic as a butterfly from flower to flower. Today commercial, literary, or inventive success means concentration. 1. '제1권력'에서. 마르코스 부부가 월가의 노른자위땅을 사들였던 700억 엔을 비롯하여 총 3조 엔이라는 엄청난 해외 도피 재산을 가질 수 있었던 것은 과연 누구 덕분인가? 웨스팅하우스가 원자력발전소를 필리핀의 루손 섬에 건설했는데, 이.. 더보기