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성문종영(대명사2) 1-37  1-37 I would not claim for a moment that those years I spent at that hospital as a doctor gave me a complete knowledge of human nature. I do not suppose anyone can hope to have that. I have been studying it, consciously or unconsciously, for forty years and I still find unaccountable; people I know intimately can surprise me by some action of which I never thought them capable. "인터넷, 재생에너지 결합이.. 더보기
성문종영(대명사2) 1-36 1-36 His father, who had been a great general of the arimes of Athens, died when the boy was very young, and left his money in the care of some bad men, who spent it. 4. 한겨레에서 곧 잊혀진 중국의 민간 사회주의 사조에 대한 연구는, 오늘날에 와서 더욱 어렵고 복잡해진 '사회주의와 민주의 결합'이라는 핵심 주제와 대결하기 위한 필수적인 작업인 셈이다. '망각을 거부하라'는 책의 해제를 쓴 백승욱 교수는 현대 중국의 상황에 대해 "'사회주의라는 간판'이 권위주의적 - 보수주의적 정치체제와 결합하고, 그것이 매우 '급진적인' 신자유주의적 경제사조와 결합하며, 이는 다시 '.. 더보기
성문종영(대명사2) 1-35 1-35 I have encountered nothing on Apollo 15 or in this age of space and science that dilutes my faith in God. While I was on the moon, in fact, I felt a sense of inspiration, a feeling that someone was with me, watching over me, protecting me. There were several times when tasks seemed to be impossible - but they worked all rigfht every time.  3. 한겨레에서. 그렇다면 5.19 민주운동에 간여했던 학생, 지식인들은 어떤 주장을.. 더보기