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성문종영(대명사2) 1-40 1-40 When the subtle influence of spring has awakened almost all forms of vegetation, and million of hidden plants that pass the winter beneath the soil have broken through the thick covering of dead leaves, there is no sweeter place in which to pass a few hours of idleness than the woodland. 해설동영상은 끝에.... 유엔미래보고서에서 기억수술 전문 외과의 더욱 개인화되고 기계와 공존하게 되는 미래사회에는 자살이 유행병 처럼 번질 수 있다. 이때 각광받게 되는 것이 기억수술 .. 더보기
성문종영(대명사2) 1-39 1-39 The circumstances of which so many complains should be regarded as the very tools with which we are to work, and the stepping-stones we are to mount by. They are the wind and tide in the voyage of life, which the skilful mariner generally either takes advantage of or overcomes. 탄허록에서 "하늘이 사람에게 큰 임무를 내리기 전에 반드시 그 심지를 괴롭히며 근골을 수고롭게 하고 굶주리게 하고 궁핍하게 하고, 하는 일마다 어그러뜨리고 어지럽히는 등 고난과 시련을 주어서 분발하고 .. 더보기
성문종영(대명사2) 1-38 1-38 I had stepped into new life.Between the man I had been and that which I now became there was a vy notable difference. In a single day I had matured astonishingly; which means, no doubt, that I suddenly entered into conscious enjoyment of powers and sensibilities which had been developing unknown to me. 2. 1에 이어서(한겨레에서) 3차 산업혁명의 다섯가지 핵심요소는, "재생에너지로 전환할 것, 모든 대륙의 건물을 재생에너지를 생산하는 '미니 발전소'로 바꿀.. 더보기