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성종영단문(대명사2) 1-43 1-43 What with heat and what with thirst, I became so impatient to get ashore, that when at last we glided towards the shore, i stood up in the bow of the boat ready to jump. 해설동영상은 끝에..... 탄허록에서 의 팔쾌에서 우리나라는 '간방(艮方)'에 위치해 있다. 에서 '간(艮)'은 사람에 비유하면 '소남(小男)' 이다. 이것을 나무에 비유하면 열매다. 열매는 시종(始終)을 가지고 있다. 여기서 소남을 풀이하면'소년(少年)' 이라 할 수 있는데, 소년은 시종을 가지고 있다. 왜냐하면 소년은 청산(靑山)이면서, 아버지 입장에서는 결실이기 때문이다. 소년은 다시 시작.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2) 1-42 1-42 The whole world of art and literature and learning is international; what is done in one one country is not done for that country alone, but for mankind. If we ask ourselves what are the things that make us think the human race more valuable than any species of animals, we shall find that all are things in which the whole world can share. 해설동영상은 끝에.... 대한민국은 '재벌사회주의' 국가다: 이동걸칼럼(한겨레에서) 재벌과.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2) 1-41 1-41 There is a stroy of a clergyman who, preferring not to wear the usual clerical dress, said: ' I will wear no clothes which will distinguish me from my fellow-men.' But when his remark was reported in the newspapers, a comma was put in by mistake, and the sentence then read: 'I will wear no clothes, which will distinguish me from my fellow-men.' 해설동영상은 끝에.... 유엔미래보고서(미래직업)에서 생체로봇 외과의(Bio - .. 더보기