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성종영단문(관사1)1-25 1-25 As for me, having some money in my pocket, I travelled to London by land; and there, as well as on the road, had many struggles with myself, what course of life I should take, and whether I should go home, or go to sea. 민영화:세계화와 그 불만(Globalizationj and its discontents)에서 2. 1에 이어서 사실상, 그들은 미래의 정치가들이 덜어먹을 것 가운데 많은 부분을 오늘 훔칠 수 있었다. 놀랄 것 없다. 조작된 민영화 과정은 국고에 귀속될 액수가 아니라 정부각료들이 스스로를 위해 챙길 액수를 .. 더보기
성종영(관사1) 1-24 1-24 With most men the knowledge that they must ultimately die doesn't weaken the pleasure in being at present alive. To the poet the world appears still more beautiful as he gazes at flowers that are doomed to wither, at spring that comes to too speedy an end. 민영화 : 세계화와 그 불만 (Globalization and its discontents) 에서 1. 아마도 민영화를 둘러싼 가장 심각한 우려는 "부패" 일 것이다. 시장 근본주의를 옹호하는 사람들은, 민영화로 인해 경제학자들이 말하는.. 더보기
성종영단문(관사1) 1-23 1-23 . 독해가 부족하신 분들은 앞쪽에 있는 '미리보기'를 꼭 보고 오시길. Man is rational animal, - so at least I have been told. Throughtout a long life, I have looked diligently for evidence in favor of this statement, but so far I have not had the fortune to come across it, though I have searched in many countries spread over three continets. On the contrary, I have seen the world plunging continually further into madne.. 더보기