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성문종합영어장문(명사2) 3-2 장문 3-2 But, when, in a democratic country, we think or act politically we are no less certain that men are equal. Or at any rate ---- which comes to the same thing in practice --- we behave as though we were certain of men's equality. Similarly, the pious mediaeval nobleman who, in church, believed in forgiving enemies and turning the other cheek, was ready, as soon as he had emerged again into.. 더보기
성문종합영장문(명사2) 3-1 길어서 두 단락으로 나누었음. 장문 3-1 That all men are equal is a proposition to which, at ordinary times, no sane human being has ever given his assent A man who has to undergo a dangerous operation does not act on the assumption that one doctor is just as good as another. Editors do not print every contribution that reaches them. And when they require civil servants, even the most democratic governments mak.. 더보기
성문종합영장문(명사1) 2-2 장문 2-2 The individual, if left alone from birth, would remain primitive and beast- like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree that we can hardly conceive. The individual is what he is and has the significance that he has, not so much in virtue of his individuality, but rather as a member of a great human society, which directs his material and spiritual existence from the cradle to the grave... 더보기
성문종영장문(명사1) 2-1 긴 문장이라 2개로 나누었음. 장문 2-1. When we survey our lives and endeavours we soon observe that almost the whole of our actions and desires are bound by with the existence of other human beings. We see that our whole nature resembles that of the social animals. We eat food that others have grown, wear clothes that others have made, live in houses that others have built. The greater part of our knowledge a.. 더보기
성종영장문(명사1) 1 장문 1 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this reponsibility --- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and al.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2) 1-52 단문 1-52 Whoever has to deal with young children soon learn that too much sympathy is a mistake. Too little sympathy is, of course, a worse mistake, but in this, as in everything else, each extreme is bad. 해설동영상은 밑에... 사회적 기업가 정신(제3산업혁명에서) 탐스(Toms)라고 들어 본 적이 있는가? 영리사업에 비영리 요소를 결합하여 신발을 만드는 회사다. 일반적인 신발이 아니라 지속 가능재료, 유기물재료, 재활용재료, 심지어는 식물성재료를 이용해 신발을 만든다. 이것은 세계에서 가장 특이한 신발회사 탐스에 대한 이야기의 시작에 불과하.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2) 1-51 1-51 I found the first two years of the curriculum very dull and gave my work no more attention than was necessary to scrape through the examinations. I was an unsatisfactory student. 해설동영상은 밑에.. 아귀계(餓鬼界)(불법교학선집(상):한국SGI편역) 2. 1에 이어서 아귀의 종류에 대해서는 정법념경(正法念經)이라고 하는 경문에 36종이 있다고 설해 있습니다. 확신(확身),식토(食吐), 식수(食水), 유재(有財), 무재(無財), 식법(食法), 우두(牛頭), 마두(馬頭)-등의 아귀입니다. 참고로 "확신아귀"는 눈과 입이 없는 아귀, "식토아귀"는 사람의 입에서.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2)1-50 단문 1-50 He now plainly saw that he was no better than a murderer; the extreme anguish of which discovery making life insupportable, he fell upon his sword. 동영상해설은 밑에..... 아귀계(餓鬼界)- 불법교학선집(한국SGI편역)에서 1, 아귀의 '아'라고 하는 것은 먹을 것이 부족해서 생명을 지탱하기 어려운 것, 배가 고파서 고통스러운 것, 이러한 뜻입니다. '귀'는 인간 이상의 힘을 거진 무서운 존재를 가르킵니다. 흔히 세간(世間)에서 쓰이는 '아귀의 눈에는 물이 안보인다'라고 하는 말은 아귀가 너무나 갈증이 심해서 옆에 물이 있어도 보지 못하는 상태를 가리킵니다. 즉, 아귀란 끝.. 더보기
성문종합영어단문(대명사2) 1-49 1-49 One day when the President was riding in a car with Genearal Bradley and me, he fell to discussing the future of some of our war leaders. I told him that I had no ambition except to retire to a quiet home and from there do what little I could (do) to help our people understand some of the great changes the war had brought to the world. 해설동영상은 밑에.... 중용 인간의 맛(도올 김용옥)에서 1. 중원의 성인은 소박한 보통사람들이며.. 더보기
성종영단문(대명사2) 1-48 1-48 There is no man that carries guilt about him who does not receive a sting into his soul. A guilty conscience needs no accuser, while a clear one fears none. 해설동영상은 끝에.... 2. 1에 이어서 '여인성불'(불법교학선집에서:한국SGI편역) 그러나 이렇게 여성을 지적하는 것이 전혀 맞지 않는다고는 할 수 없습니다. 거기에 예리한 인간 분석의 눈이 있었다는 것도 사실입니다. 다섯가지의 장해가 있다든가 축생의 화신(化身)이란 표현에는 불제자 교화를 위한 배려는 엿볼 수가 있습니다만 여성의 생명에 잠재한 고유의 사회적 경향이라는 것을 여성 자신이 주시하여 이것을 변혁해 가는 .. 더보기