분류 전체보기 썸네일형 리스트형 원서독해(The function of Reason) 1-2-1 1-2 Various phrases suggest themselves, which recall the special controversies depending upon the determination of the true function of Reason: Faith and Reason : Reason and Authority : Reason and Intuition : Criticism and Imagination : Reason, Agency, Purpose : Scientific Methodology : Philosophy and the Sciences : Rationalism, Scepticism, Dogmatism : Reason and Empiricism : Pragmatism. Each of.. 더보기 원서독해(The function of Reason) 1-1 1-1 The topic here considered - The Function of Reason- is one of the oldest topics for philosophical discussion. What is the function of Reason amid the welter of our mental experiences, amid our intuitions, our emotions, our purposes, our decisions of emphasis? In order to answer such a question we have to consider the nature of Reason, its essence. Of course this is a hackneyed theme. Its dis.. 더보기 원서독해 The function of Reason.1 (summary) The fumction of Reason (Alfred North Whitehead) summary History discloses two main tendencies in the course of events, One tendency is exemplified in the slow decay of physical nature. With stealthy inevitableness, there is degradation of energy. The sources of activity sink downward and downward. Their very matter wastes. The other tendency is exemplified by the yearly renewal of nature in the .. 더보기 성문종합영어장문독해 (대명사1) 8-4 장문 8-4 Some have preferred, like Socrates, some would prefer today, to face death rather than conceal their thoughts. Thus freedom of thought, in any valuable sense, includes freedom of speech. 사회적 상상력의 실종(오길영님의 글에서.한겨레) 한 명민한 시인의 말대로 '나'의 내면성을 제대로 알기 위해서는 다른 존재의 내면성에 깊은 관심을 기울여야 한다. "자기 상처만 정색하고 들여다본다고 병이 낫지는 않아요. 남의 상처나 삶에 한눈팔고 정신을 빼앗기는 일이 필요해요. 무슨 대단한 대의나 윤리의 실현을 위해서가 아니라 일단은 자신을 위해서 말이에요. 그러.. 더보기 성문종합장문독해(대명사1) 8-3 장문 8-3 If a man's thinking leads him to call in question ideas and customs which regulate the behavior of those about him, to reject beliefs which they hold, to see better ways of life than those they follow, it is almost impossible for him, if he is convinced of the truth of his own reasoning, not to betray by silence, chance words, or general attitude that he is different from them and deoes n.. 더보기 성문종합영어장문독해(대명사1) 8-2 장문 8-2 But this natural liberty of private thinking is of little value, it is unsatisfactory and even painful to the thinker himself, if he is not permitted to communicate his thoughts to others, and it is obviously of no value to his neighbours. Moreover it is extremely difficult to hide thoughts that have any power over the mind. 더보기 성문종합영어장문독해(대명사1) 8-1 장문 8-1 It is a common saying that thought is free. A man can never be hindered from thinking whatever he chooses so long as he conceals what he thinks. The working of his mind is limited only by the bounds of his experience and the power of his imagination. 날씨 조절 관리자-Weather Modifier (유엔미래보고서에서) 인공 기후 조절 기술은 아직 국한된 지역에서 소규모로 실행되고 있지만, 앞으로 그 지역이 점차 확대될 가능상이 높다. 그 외에도 기후 조절은 물 부족 지역의 가뭄 해결, 극한이나 극.. 더보기 성문종합영어독해장문(대명사1) 7-4 장문 7-4 I have known all kinds of people, many of them celebrated in many countries, but for companionship, good conversation, intelligence and the power of stimulating one's mind there are none I would place above the good farmer. 뇌의 미래 4 (한겨레에서) 뇌가 너희를 자유케 하리라! 뇌의 도움으로 인간이 마침내 자신의 "생물학적 감옥"을 벗어나게 되리라는 이 지극한 낙관주의자의 예언이 그의 말대로 실현될진 알수 없다. 하지만 컴퓨터의 등장으로 다시 차원을 바꿔가고 있는, 200여년에 걸친 뇌 본질 논쟁의 핵심을 꿰면서 뇌.. 더보기 성문종합장문독해(대명사1) 7-3 장문 7-3 Few great leaders ever came out of city slums or even suburbs. In every country most of the men who have molded the destinies of the nation have come off the land or from small towns. The great majority of leaders, even in the world of industry and finance, have come from there. 뇌의 미래 3 (한겨레에서) BMI(brain-machine interface)를 활용하면 우리는 공간과 시간의 제약, 그리고 힘의 한계를 극복할 수 있다. 이를 활용한 전신 외골격 신경보철 장비를 .. 더보기 성문종합영어독해(대명사1) 7-2 장문 7-2 It has always been so throughout history and it will continue to be so until there are no more men on this earth. We are apt to forget that the man who owns land and cherishes it and works it well is the source of our stability as a nation, not only in the economic but the social sense as well. 2."뇌의 미래" (한겨레에서) 니코렐리스는 2007년에는 듀크대학의 붉은 털원숭이와 태평양 너머 일본 교토의 인간형 로봇 '시비(CB)-1'을 인터넷과 컴퓨터로 연결했다.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 14 다음