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원서독해(The function of Reason) 1-1 1-1 The topic here considered - The Function of Reason- is one of the oldest topics for philosophical discussion. What is the function of Reason amid the welter of our mental experiences, amid our intuitions, our emotions, our purposes, our decisions of emphasis? In order to answer such a question we have to consider the nature of Reason, its essence. Of course this is a hackneyed theme. Its dis.. 더보기
원서독해 The function of Reason.1 (summary) The fumction of Reason (Alfred North Whitehead) summary History discloses two main tendencies in the course of events, One tendency is exemplified in the slow decay of physical nature. With stealthy inevitableness, there is degradation of energy. The sources of activity sink downward and downward. Their very matter wastes. The other tendency is exemplified by the yearly renewal of nature in the .. 더보기
성문종합영어장문독해 (대명사1) 8-4 장문 8-4 Some have preferred, like Socrates, some would prefer today, to face death rather than conceal their thoughts. Thus freedom of thought, in any valuable sense, includes freedom of speech. 사회적 상상력의 실종(오길영님의 글에서.한겨레) 한 명민한 시인의 말대로 '나'의 내면성을 제대로 알기 위해서는 다른 존재의 내면성에 깊은 관심을 기울여야 한다. "자기 상처만 정색하고 들여다본다고 병이 낫지는 않아요. 남의 상처나 삶에 한눈팔고 정신을 빼앗기는 일이 필요해요. 무슨 대단한 대의나 윤리의 실현을 위해서가 아니라 일단은 자신을 위해서 말이에요. 그러.. 더보기