함석헌 썸네일형 리스트형 성문종합영어단문독해(형용사2) 1-70 단문 1-70(형용사2) I was but five years old when my mother died, but her image is as fresh in my mind, nI was but ow that twenty years have elapsed, as it was at the time of her death. I remember her, as a pale, gentle being, with a sweet smile, and a voice soft and cheerful. 해설동영상은 아래에.... 함석헌이 꼽은 한국 기독교 '우상 5가지'-한겨레에서 '한국 기독교가 숭배하는 5가지 우상은 무엇일까.' - 함석헌 선생 탄생 112돌을 맞아 김경재 한신대 교수가 기념강연에서 소개. 1.특정한 정.. 더보기 이전 1 다음