요순시대 썸네일형 리스트형 성종영단문(대명사2) 1-45 1-45 As the world grew older, men became more and more quarrelsome. They quarrelled more sadly than ever over the possession of the bright yellow gold they had found ;and, what was worst of all, they made sharp knives and other weapons out of iron, and fought fiercely with each other. 해설동영상은 끝에...... 2. 탄허록에서 김정배 교수가 쓴 논문 에 보면 복희씨 때 황하 유역에 살던 민족과 단제 시대의 고조선 민족은 같은 고(古)아시아 족으로 형제지간, 즉 구이족(九夷族)이고,.. 더보기 이전 1 다음