수소에너지 썸네일형 리스트형 성문종영(대명사2) 1-38 1-38 I had stepped into new life.Between the man I had been and that which I now became there was a vy notable difference. In a single day I had matured astonishingly; which means, no doubt, that I suddenly entered into conscious enjoyment of powers and sensibilities which had been developing unknown to me. 2. 1에 이어서(한겨레에서) 3차 산업혁명의 다섯가지 핵심요소는, "재생에너지로 전환할 것, 모든 대륙의 건물을 재생에너지를 생산하는 '미니 발전소'로 바꿀.. 더보기 이전 1 다음